One of the reasons the panel beaters were an instant hit in West Auckland was because of the environmentally conscious nature of the people living in the area. They had a lot to lose if the massive infrastructure projects in the area were delayed or lost. The addition of many new houses, often housing an agricultural sector, tended to strain the budget of the local farmers and ranchers, who did not want to see their land disturbed.
It also meant that there was plenty of business for the farmers, ranchers and working class families who wanted to shop at one of the many shopping centres, including the community centre. There were not too many places to shop in the neighbourhood and the community centre offered a great option for some customers, especially during busy periods.
It also offered a wide variety of restaurants and cafes. With so many residents and shoppers in such close proximity, the area became an attractive destination for visitors as well. In recent years it has become a popular location for apartment building.
The large number of apartments in West Auckland has led to a notable increase in the number of businesses catering to the needs of the tenants. This has lead to a number of neighbourhood developments in the area and most of these developments have been attractive enough to draw in a large number of prospective tenants.
For this reason, many of the new developments in West Auckland have taken advantage of the abundance of residential units and restaurants in the area. To remain competitive in the market, most developers have employed a number of promotional techniques to attract tenants to their developments. This has lead to a proliferation of convenience stores, photo printing outlets, banks, and busy mail boxes.
The development of the empty land between the railway station and the airport along the Skypath has also contributed to the greater density of development in the area. These developments give the occupants of these buildings easier access to the Skypath and the town. It has also made the area more attractive to tourists who are drawn to the history and scenery of the area.
Many of the new developments have made extensive use of the trees that provide a rich feature of the landscape. The characteristic canopy of foliage has been carefully selected for the renovation of the trees and many of the public areas that were once too dark and windy to see.
The use of the long-established traditional methods of local maintenance of the new development has ensured that the area remains welcoming to both residents and visitors. The effect of the public work crews on the quality of life of the neighbourhood has been very positive. A noticeable change in the behaviour of the local people has been seen and the sense of calm has greatly increased in the neighbourhood.
The city park, which has been a feature of the neighbourhood for many years has now become a large community gathering space. It has been used for musical and social activities as well as a place to take leisurely walks, and it has always been a good location for children to go to school.
As far as the children are concerned, they seem to enjoy the exercise that is provided by the large numbers of running and cycling that take place in the park. In addition, there are a water fountain located at the end of the park and a path that leads from the park to the main road which is surrounded by trees and other foliage.
When it comes to trees-lined roads, the grounds around the railway station are an outstanding example of the development of trees on the streets of the city. The combination of a natural setting and the view of the hills in the background provides a tranquil experience for those who visit the area.
On the western end of the beach, the waterfront is currently being developed as a tourist attraction. However, this development will be a reflection of the large number of visitors that the beach receives during the summer months. The use of the free public spaces around the city has helped to attract people to the neighbourhood, while the wonderful views of the ocean and the island from the waterfront buildings has encouraged others to come and explore the natural beauty of the area.